Course Details

Short Courses
Uloom al-Hadith

Ali Hamdaam
Islamic ScholarUloom al-Hadith (Science of Hadith)
This program comprisestwo semesters over a period of one year.
Eligibility Requirements:
A certificate of Alamiah from any institute or at least an Aliyah certificate is required.
Benefits and Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
- Comprehensive mastery of Hadith terminology.
- Coverage of arguments establishing the authority of Hadith.
- Methodology for authenticating and referencing Hadith.
- Examination of narrators’ biographies.
- Knowledge of books on Hadith.
- Understanding principles of chain of narration analysis (Darasat al-Asanid).
- Application of Hadith scholars’ methodology in JarhwaTa’dil (criticism and validation).
- Serving Hadith through modern technology.