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Al-Noor Institute is an Islamic organization

Al-Noor Institute is an Islamic organization dedicated for the promotion of Islamic teachings

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Al-Noor Institute is an Islamic organization

Al-Noor Institute is an Islamic organization dedicated for the promotion of Islamic teachings

Contact Us

Al-Noor Institute is an Islamic organization

Al-Noor Institute is an Islamic organization dedicated for the promotion of Islamic teachings

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Alnoor - Institute

Al-Noor Institute is an Islamic organization dedicated for the promotion of Islamic teachings. Our mission is to provide awareness to youth and enrich their minds with the wealth of Islam. Our mission is also to illuminate their lives with the knowledge of Islam so that they could become a beneficial member of Muslim society and they could secure a good status not only in the world but in the life hereafter.

Benefits of Gaining Knowledge

Students will be able to


  • Understand the rights of Allah and His servants.
  • Recognize of Islamic civilization and culture.
  • Solve hardships and challenges.
  • Address societal issues.
  • Enhanced prioritization in life.
  • Differentiate between truth and falsehood.
  • Become a respected member of society.
  • Strengthen determination and hope.
  • Get closeness to Allah, the Almighty.
Learn More

Fahm-e-Deen (Understanding Religion)

This program comprises of  eight semesters over a period of four years. It covers essential subjects such as the Quran, Hadith, Principles of Hadith, Arabic Grammar, Fiqh, Principles of Fiqh, and the Creed of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah.

Eligibility Requirements:

  1. A minimum of a matriculation certificate is required, but preference will be given to those holding an intermediate certificate.
  2. There is no age restriction.
  3. Students must fulfill their assigned responsibilities.

Teaching Methodology:

  1. All classes will be conducted on Google Meet.
  2. Classes will take place four days a week (Monday to Thursday).
  3. Each class will last three to four hours daily.
  4. Recordings of all lessons will be available for students who provide a valid reason for absence.
  5. Semester exams will be held; only those who pass will proceed to the next semester.

Our Programs

We have Started Online Courses From Home


Fahm-e-Deen (Understanding Religion)

Uloom al-Hadith

Uloom al-Hadith (Science of Hadith)

Usul al-Fiqh

Usul al-Fiqh (Principles of Jurisprudence)

Arabic Language

Arabic Language

AqaidAhlus Sunnah walJama’ah

AqaidAhlus Sunnah walJama’ah (Creed of Ahlus Sunnah walJama’ah)

Free Registration: During Month of Ramadan, Our institution will give free registration to all the courses. Hurry Up and Join the Islamic Center.

Featured Image

Quran in Arabic

Book Cover
Book Cover
Book Cover

Islamic Scholars

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M. Ishaq Khalid


M. Ebrahim


Upcoming Events

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No Future Published Event Found

The Pillars of Islam

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  • Shahadah

  • Salah

  • Sawm

  • Zakat

  • Hajj


Charity Campaigns

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Campaign Image 1

Poor Children to Shape Their Own Future


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$42,610 Donation Needed
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